Yerevan, 09.02.2025

Dear friend,

We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia. Our site will become the best opportunity to be aware of the trade union activity, of implementation of programs and activities and also to provide a feedback. Here you can find all necessary information about legislative, legal acts and draft documents connected with protection of worker’s rights. The electronic reception will give you an opportunity to send your inquires and to get appropriate answers to them. We hope our site with its availability will become the best source of information for all its users.


06 May, 2016

Meeting in the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Meeting in the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

  On 5 May 2016 the President of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Eduard Tumasyan hosted the deputy of the German Bundestag, the member of the permanently acting committee on employment and social issues, the member of the Christian Democratic Party of the Federal Republic of Germany , the head of the Armenian-German Forum Albert Weiler.   During the meeting E.Tumasyan spoke about the current state of youth unemployment in the country and how the trade unions refer to this problem. He expressed his concern about the high level of unemployment, noting that it is the highest...

28 April, 2016


of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

in connection with the Labour Day - 1 May


  Dear friends!

  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia congratulates you on Labor Day  and expresses  its readiness to continue the protection of  the rights and interests of workers in order to ensure decent work and decent wages in the country.

  The current May Day will take place in a very difficult period for our country, when the low level of wages consistently remains the same, unemployment is rising and there is a steady outflow of the population what  is of great concern. People who cаn’t find jobs in their own country go to other countries in search of it. It is necessary to create new jobs in order to reduce the level of migration so that people can work in their own country, have a decent life and be confident in the future.

  The situation is aggravated by a four-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh, which nevertheless demonstrated the willingness of people, regardless of their social status, to provide all possible assistance to the army in defending the country's borders.

  Today, more than ever, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia is concerned in order to ensure adequate living standards of workers and continues to remind the Government and the employers of the need to respect the rights of workers, that the minimum living standard should correspond to the size of the minimum consumer basket. Growing from year to year an unemployment and falling living standards requires the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia to strengthen its efforts to protect labor rights and interests of workers, to ensure safety and improve living standards.

  Congratulating the union members and all working people to Labor Day - May 1  I wish them peace, happiness and further success for the benefit of our country.


Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Edward Tumasyan

27 April, 2016


of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

in connection with the World Day for  Safety  and Health at Work


  International Labour Organization (ILO), regarding the provision of occupational safety and health of workers as one of the main priorities  of its activity, announced April 28 as the World Day for  Safety   and Health at Work which has been celebrated since 2003 in more than  hundred countries around the world. The motto of the day is - the spread of  healthy and safe work culture.

  According to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia  the employer must provide safety and health at work.  However, some employers are not willing to invest sufficient resources in the creation of safe working conditions. As a result, the number of accidents in the workplace continues to grow.    In 2015  25 accidents at work were reported, 5 of which – with death.  Of the registered disabled people  2101 became disabled as a result of an accident at work, and 278 people - as a result of occupational disease.

  The issue of compensation payment  for 800 employees who suffered at  plants  eliminated  after August 2004  has not been solved yet.   The system of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases has not  been introduced yet either.

  State supervision and control over the implementation of the Labour Code and other normative and legal acts containing norms of labor law, the implementation of the terms of collective agreements must be carried out by the public authority in the person of the State Inspectorate, which by the decision of the RA Government from 2013 and  by merging with the service of the RA Ministry of Health unit of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance  was reorganized as a separate entity and became known as the State Inspectorate of Health.  In fact  by this decision  the activities of the State Labour Inspectorate as an separate structure was suspended.

  Today our country has a large number of problems related to occupational safety and health issues, and they require immediate solutions.

  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia  believes  that the state policy in the field of safety and health protection of workers must be designed to ensure healthy and safe working conditions, the preservation of life and  abilities of workers. Ensuring the legislation in every spheres  of production should be the norm for every employer, and the lack of state occupational safety and health strategy allows some employers to avoid responsibility for occupational health and workers' health.


Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Chairman Eduard Tumasyan

04 April, 2016



  The Confederation of Trade Unions  of Armenia   expresses its deep concern  about  the unpredictable consequences of military operations  of Azerbaijan army  started  at night   April 1  along the whole line of contact between   Karabakh  and Azerbaijan, as well as about  the fact that   heavy armament and air forces were used  and  many peaceful people became victims of this aggression.

  The  CTUA  strongly  condemn the aggressive and criminal  actions of the Azerbaijan authorities  which led  to many   deaths and  casualties  among the  civil population and  the military.

  The CTUA  express  its  deep condolences  to the bereaved families of civilians and soldiers  and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

  We hope that the world community   will  take the necessary measures to prevent the resumption  of large-scale operations in the region by Azerbaijan.


  Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

01 April, 2016

The PERC Executive Committee Meeting

The PERC Executive Committee Meeting

The PERC Executive Committee met in Brussels on 21 March 2016. It was chaired by the PERC President Irakli Petriashvili. Around 100 trade unionists from all parts of Europe took part in it. The participants agreed upon the main priorities for the PERC actions in 2016: migration and multinational enterprises. A special attention was put to the attacks against trade unionists in Turkey and general shrinking of democratic space in this country. Luca Visentini, PERC General Secretary also addressed the challenge of trade union rights violations everywhere in Europe, noting such countries, as Spain,...

07 October, 2015

Appeal of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia in connection with the World Day for Decent Worк (7 October 2015)

  The International Labour Organization in 1999  developed and introduced   the conception   of "decent work", which  includes  four components: employment, social and labor rights, protection from injustice and social dialogue. Decent work - it is an opportunity to obtain decent and meaningful work in conditions of freedom, equality and human dignity, it is work in a safe environment,  to ensure full social security and the ability to provide a decent live  for a worker and  his family.   International Trade Union Confederation ...

26 September, 2015

The legal aspects of trade union activities are in the centre of branch republican unions of the CPA

The legal aspects of trade union activities are in the centre of branch republican unions of the CPA

  The Educational  Research Centre of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia with the support of the Pan-European Regional Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-PERC) held on September 25-26 in Tsaghkadzor  seminar on "Legal aspects of trade unions’ activities  in  primary organizations".   The seminar was attended by the chairmen of the trade union organizations representing republican branch unions.   In his  opening speech   the chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Eduard...