Yerevan, 09.02.2025

Dear friend,

We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia. Our site will become the best opportunity to be aware of the trade union activity, of implementation of programs and activities and also to provide a feedback. Here you can find all necessary information about legislative, legal acts and draft documents connected with protection of worker’s rights. The electronic reception will give you an opportunity to send your inquires and to get appropriate answers to them. We hope our site with its availability will become the best source of information for all its users.


18 May, 2020

 In the framework of the informational campaign conducted by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia the Organizational - training centre of CTUA shot a video about the rights of workers in a state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The video is  shot in the form of questions – answers.


29 April, 2020


by the  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia on  Labour Day  MAY 1


 The current situation in the Republic of Armenia, as well as all around the world, caused by the spread of the new coronavirus COVID-19, has caused enormous damage to the country's economy and labour market.

 The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia is convinced that by strengthening solidarity and cooperation, applying an effective social dialogue, it is possible to overcome all emerging problems and ensure the effectiveness of measures to protect the health of workers.

 We must move forward with decisive steps, apply joint efforts in the fight against the insidious virus, while preparing for possible new risks of the pandemic.

 At the height of the crisis, when life in many areas was suspended, some workers lost their jobs, some lost their incomes, low-paid workers, workers working for a daily wage, and the most vulnerable sections of the population were especially affected.

The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia welcomes those employers who managed to save jobs and salaries of workers during this difficult time.

 The paramount task today is the application of numerous measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic, and each employee must work in a safe environment, be provided with all personal protective equipment and hygiene.

 We consider it necessary to ensure the right to collective bargaining for all employees, implement the principles of decent work and prevent discrimination between women and men in the workplace.

 We believe in the unshakable will and hard work of our people, in their optimism.

 The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia congratulate all workers on the occasion of Labour Day, especially those at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic.




Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia                                Eduard Tumasyan


27 April, 2020

April 28: World Day for Safety and Health at Work

  The International Labor Organization (ILO), considering the labor safety as one of the main directions of workers’ labor rights protection, has declared April 28 as World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which has been celebrating since 2003 in more than 100 countries. The tip of the day is to spread the health and safety at work, which will promote not only to protect the labor rights of workers and create healthy and safe working conditions, but also to prevent incidents  at work. Considering the importance of the  protection of workers’ rights working...

20 March, 2020



 Due to the rapid and wide spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19)  the whole world, and the Republic of Armenia  among others, are forced to take the necessary and urgent measures to protect the health of workers, prevent the spread of infection at the workplace and to avoid the consequences of a possible economic crisis .

 Today it is difficult to predict how the new coronavirus will turn out, what economic damage it will cause to the state and employers, which can directly affect the standard of living of workers and their families.

 In the current situation  the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia continues to fulfill its mission of representing and protecting  workers’ labour interests and rights, as well as provides  online consultations.

 We propose during this difficult time, by joint efforts, to preserve jobs, wages, consider a forced absence from work respectful, create a flexible work schedule for workers with young children, and also offer workers infected with coronavirus (COVID-19) and for those at risk of infection, find the possibility of providing them with paid leave or providing them with temporary disability benefits.

 We hope that representatives of workers and employers will demonstrate high social responsibility in the current situation, make mutual concessions and in this case, by joint efforts we can overcome the challenges of today.



Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia                            Eduard Tumasyan

31 January, 2020

Seminar at the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Seminar at the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Organizational and Training Center of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia on January 30 2020 hold  a seminar on the topic "Document circulation in the trade union organization" for the newly elected chairmen of trade union organizations, members of trade union committees and accountants. This year seminars on similar topics will be regular.   ...

20 December, 2019

The meeting of the Republican tripartite commission

The meeting of the Republican tripartite commission

 On 19 December 2019 at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia the meeting of the Republican tripartite commission was held with the participation of the representatives of the three parties.  The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia was represented by the Deputy Chairman of the CPA Boris Kharatyan, a number of chairmen of branch republican unions and heads of departments of the CTUA staff.  The meeting was chaired by Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Arman Udumyan.  During the meeting a draft republican...