Yerevan, 09.02.2025

Dear friend,

We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia. Our site will become the best opportunity to be aware of the trade union activity, of implementation of programs and activities and also to provide a feedback. Here you can find all necessary information about legislative, legal acts and draft documents connected with protection of worker’s rights. The electronic reception will give you an opportunity to send your inquires and to get appropriate answers to them. We hope our site with its availability will become the best source of information for all its users.


24 October, 2016

IV Congress of the Republican Branch Association “Electrotradeunion” of the trade union organizations of Armenia

IV Congress of the Republican Branch Association “Electrotradeunion” of the trade union organizations of Armenia

  The Republican Branch Association “Electrotradeunion” of the trade union organizations of Armenia held its IV Congress in Yerevan 21 October 2016.   The Congress heard the report presented by the chairman of the Branch association K.Aloyan. She informed the participants about activities in the period between III and IV congresses highlighting the assistance provided by the union to its member organizations in the issues of protecting the rights and interests of workers, in concluding collective agreements. "The experience of concluding collective agreements, based...

05 October, 2016


of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

in connection with the World Day for Decent Work


    On 7 October the international trade union movement is celebrating the World Day for Decent Work.

    Decent work means not only providing an employment, but also ensuring safe working conditions and adequate wages of workers, and these issues are crucial to the International Trade Union Confederation and   the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia.

    This year the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia on Decent Work Day comes up with the following demands: decent work and fair wages, respect for the principles of social dialogue between employers and employees, the sustainable development of social partnership as the  basis of the modern labor relations. CTUA opposes unemployment, poverty, migration, and social polarization.

    Today our economy is  going  through a difficult  time. Heavy  and unstable financial and economic situation of the republic limits the role and  importance of decent work. However, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia hopes that its demands will be taken as the basis while the implementation of measures to restore the economy and protect the interests of employees.

    We urge our affiliates to enhance consistently the role of trade union organizations, to encourage the affiliation of young people, which will promote the development of the trade union movement and increase the confidence of workers  to trade unions, the growth of its credibility and influence in the society.


Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

05 October, 2016

The 9th PERC Summer School

  The 9th PERC Summer School took place in Frankfurt, 26-28 September 2016. This forum traditionally brings together trade union leaders and officials from broad Europe, who discuss together the challenges the European trade union movement is facing and outline ideas to develop union actions.   The meeting started evening prior with reception hosted by the Federal Executive Board of the DGB in collaboration with  European Academy of Labour  with welcome speeches by Reiner Hoffmann, DGB President.   On a first day morning session German Unions presented activities...

27 September, 2016

The Meeting of the Tripartite Commission

The Meeting of the Tripartite Commission

On 24 September 2016 the regular meeting of the Republican tripartite commission was held which was chaired by the Acting Minister of Labour and Social Affairs A. Asatryan. The meeting was attended by  the  representatives of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, members of the tripartite commission:   Deputy Chairman of the CTUA B.Kharatyan, chairmen of republican branch unions A. Asatryan, Sh.Mkrtchyan S. Arakelyan G. Armaganova. The head of the department of CTUA staff K.Madoyan was also present at the meeting. The...

10 June, 2016

The Seminar on the Issues of Gender Equalities

The Seminar on the Issues of Gender Equalities

The Educational-Research Centre  of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia with the support of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Pan-European Regional Council (ITUC-PERC) on 8-9 June 2016. in  Tsahkadzor  hold a seminar  "Legal support of equal rights for women and men." The seminar was attended by members of the standing  commission  of the CTUA Council  for ensuring  equal rights and opportunities for  women and men and  representatives of branch republican unions. The  President  of the Confederation...

01 June, 2016

The Meeting in the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

The Meeting in the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

  On 31 May 2016 the  President  of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Eduard Tumasyan hosted a delegation from the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the mining and metallurgical trade union of Russia, headed by the chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Trade Union Committee of mining industry Y.Goranov. The delegation also included the chairman of the trade union group MMK A.Derunov, chairman of the trade union committee of the Chelyabinsk  Tube Rolling Plant V.Skryabin and   the specialist of the  Regional Committee. V.Nechaev.   During the...

25 May, 2016

The Meeting of the Republican Tripartite Commission

The Meeting of the Republican Tripartite Commission

   On 24 May  a regular meeting of the Republican tripartite commission was held   chaired by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia A. Asatryan. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, members  of the Republican tripartite commission.  The agenda included three issues: 1. Presentation of the work done in 2015 by the   State Health  Inspectorate  affiliated to the  Ministry of Healthcare.   The need  for cooperation of the social...