Yerevan, 09.02.2025

Dear friend,

We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia. Our site will become the best opportunity to be aware of the trade union activity, of implementation of programs and activities and also to provide a feedback. Here you can find all necessary information about legislative, legal acts and draft documents connected with protection of worker’s rights. The electronic reception will give you an opportunity to send your inquires and to get appropriate answers to them. We hope our site with its availability will become the best source of information for all its users.


27 September, 2014

Training Seminar for the Members of the Women Network of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) together with the International Labour Organization (ILO) held on September 23-25, 2014 in Aghveran a workshop on Social protection conventions and collective agreements for the members of the Women Network of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia. The seminar was attended by Olga Nicolae, Policy Adviser of ITIC/PERC, Brussels, Ludmila Uskova, Technical Programmes Assistant of ILO Moscow Office, Boris Kharatyan, deputy chairman of the CTUA, the chairmen of the Republican branch unions, staffers of the CTUA, the chairmen of trade union organizations. The...

19 September, 2014

The focus of the trade unions - issues of informal economy

The focus of the trade unions - issues  of   informal economy

On September 17-19, 2014  in Yerevan  at  the  "Congress" hotel the  International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) held a joint subregional seminar on the theme "The Informal Economy:  Trade unions’ Actions Policy", which was attended by the representatives of the trade union centres of the CIS countries. Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia E.Tumasyan in his welcome address  stressed the importance of such seminars and said that  such problem also exists in...

11 July, 2014


On  June 27 at a meeting of the Executive committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia  the position of the CTUA with respect to the RA Law "Funded Pensions" was discussed and it was decided to send a letter to the National Assembly and the Government of the Republic of Armenia. On July 10  the CTUA  appealed with a letter  to the chairman of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister of the RA.  It  was mentioned   that the  existing  social - economic situation does not provide a decent life for a large part of...

11 July, 2014


I  N F O R M A T I O N

About a thousand workers of CJSC "Nairit Plant" on 10 July  participated in the march to the government building and the ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of RA  in order  to hand in   Prime  Minister of RA H.Abramyan and minister E.Zakharyan a letter with demand to  pay  salary debts   and  to clarify  the further  fate of "Nairit" plant. The procession was held under the slogans  "We demand to pay salary debts",  "We demand the restoration of activities of the plant",  "Nairit ...

01 May, 2014

May Day events of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

May Day events of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

In accordance with the law of the Republic of Armenia "On holidays and commemoration days in RA" May 1 is a non-working day in the country and is celebrated as a Labour Day .  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia on May 1 2014 organized a procession through the central streets of the city and a meeting in front of the building of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia , which was attended by numerous representatives of the branch republican unions, factories and other organizations and representatives of twenty branch republican unions ,...

01 April, 2014


 On  26 March 2014  the Executive Committee of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia held its meeting  where  the matter of expulsion of the Republican branch union of trade union organizations of physical culture, sport and tourism workers of RA (chairman – K.Haroutunyan) from  the affiliation to the  CTUA  was discussed.At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the CTUA  at19 voted for this decision and 2 abstentions, in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Constitution of the CTUA  a decision was made and invited  the Council...