27 April, 2018
Appeal by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia in Connection With the Day of International Workers’ Solidarity 1 May
Dear friends,
The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia congratulates on the occasion of Labor Day and confirms its commitment to the principles of decent work and determination to strengthen the international solidarity of the people of labor.
According to the tradition, on that day trade unions appeal to solidarity and unity in order to establish social justice and to implement the principles of decent work.
On May 1, 2018 Workers' Solidarity Day is celebrated all over the world, even in the conditions of political and economic tense and unstable events.
Such situation is also being watched in Armenia now, where there is a decline in employees' income and socio-economic indexes, resulting in poverty and unemployment, particularly among young people. Therefore, it is not surprising that on these days Armenian youth stands for the improvement of the existing socio-political, economic and moral-psychological situation.
The CTUA hopes that the events taking place in Yerevan and in the regions of the country will not cross the line of peaceful actions, so it calls for restraint and commitment to the spirit of national solidarity.
The CTUA believes that existing problems should be solved solely by the unconditional implementation of the laws of the Republic of Armenia.
On the occasion of Labor Day the CTUA once again congratulates trade union members, all workers, wishes everyone a decent job for the benefit of Armenia.
Eduard Tumasyan
Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia
25 April, 2018
The Сonfederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Сommemorates the Victims of the Armenian Genocide 1915

On April 24, 2018, the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and laid a wreath to the eternal fire, honoring the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey in 1915.
02 November, 2017
The first meeting of the Auditing Commission of the CTUA
On November 2, 2017 the first after the IV congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia meeting of the Auditing Commission of the CTUA was held. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy chairman of the CTUA Khachik Arakelyan. 13 of 19 members of the commission, formed at the IV Congress of the CTUA, took part in the meeting. The agenda included the election of the chairman and deputy chairmen of the Auditing Commission.
Before the election the Deputy chairman of the CTUA Khachik Arakelyan thanked the chairman of the Auditing Commission Araksya Avakyan and the members of the commission for conscientious work.
Manuk Manukyan, deputy chairman of the trade union organization of CJSC "Electric Networks of Armenia" was elected Chairman of the Auditing Commission, Mariam Gasparyan, chief accountant of the Branch republican union of professional organizations of public utilities and service workers of RA and Vahan Vardanyan, chairman of the central territorial trade union organization of the Branch republican union of professional organizations of education and science workers of RA.

23 October, 2017
Optimization problems in focus

On October 19-20 in Tsaghkadzor in the Tsaghkaovit hotel the Training and Research Center of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia with the support of the Pan-European Regional Council organized a seminar "Optimization issues, its features and social consequences".
The opening speech was made by the chairman of the CTUA Eduard Tumasyan. He presented the program issues adopted at the IV Congress of the CTUA and the activities of the CTUA to optimize trade unions.
The seminar was attended by the representatives of the branch republican unions of trade union organizations of education...
07 October, 2017
of the IV Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia
on the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work
On October 7 trade unions around the world mark the World Day for Decent Work. They try to draw the attention of their governments and employers to the need for creating healthy and safe working environment, to fair wages and social protection issues, for developing a system of social dialogue and social partnership and for providing workers with guarantees to freely exercise their rights.
Decent work means not only the creation of jobs, but also the improvement of working conditions and decent remuneration for it. These are the key issues in the activity of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia.
This year the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia stands under the slogans "Decent Work", "Fair Wages", "Social Dialogue in the Relationship Between Employer and Employee" and "Development of Sustainable Social Partnership".
The CTUA stands against poverty, unemployment, social polarization and migration, which undermine the conception, role and value of decent work.
The Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia will continue to raise the issues of adopting legal acts related to the minimum wage, determining the composition and structure of the minimum consumer basket and indexation of the minimum wage.
The CTUA together with the branch republican unions will consistently implement the idea of decent work, which implies a decent reward for labor, a healthy and safe working environment that will help ensure the well-being of workers and their families.

07 October, 2017
IV Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

On 6 October 2017 the 4th Сongress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia was held in Yerevan.
The Chairman of the CTUA Eduard Tumasyan presented a report on CTUA activity in between the III and IV congresses and dwelt on its main results.
Report of the Auditing Commission of the CTUA was presented to the congress by its chairman Araksya Arakelyan.
The chairmen of the trade unions organizations of the Academy of Sciences of the RA K.Mikayelyan, CJSC Yerevan brewery "Kilikia" A.Sarkisyan, CJSC "Electric...
06 July, 2017
On July 4, the deputy chairman of CTUA Khachik Arakelyan, welcomed the chairman of the council of the Solidarity trade union of the Podlaskie Voivodeship of Poland, member of the National Commission, deputy chairman of the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA – Europäisches Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerfragen) Jósef Mozolewski and the coordinator of the program “STRONG Civil Society Organisations for Stronger Armenia” Iren Danielyan.
During the meeting, Mr. Josef Mozolewsky introduced the history of the Polish Solidarity trade union and...