Yerevan, 09.02.2025

Dear friend,

We are pleased to welcome you to the official website of the Confederation of trade unions of Armenia. Our site will become the best opportunity to be aware of the trade union activity, of implementation of programs and activities and also to provide a feedback. Here you can find all necessary information about legislative, legal acts and draft documents connected with protection of worker’s rights. The electronic reception will give you an opportunity to send your inquires and to get appropriate answers to them. We hope our site with its availability will become the best source of information for all its users.


07 May, 2015

Congratulations  of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia on the occasion of the

70 anniversary of the Victory  in the  Great Patriotic War


  70 years ago the Soviet people   won in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany. The Soviet Union used all its military capabilities in order to destroy invaders  who  were  a threat not only for the Soviet Union, but also for many European countries.  In this bloody war, the Soviet Union suffered the greatest,  It  lost millions of soldiers fallen on the battle fields, millions died in concentration camps.

  The participation of the Armenian people in the Great Patriotic War  is one of the heroic pages in our history. The contribution of the Armenian  into this  great victory  was  enormous. Marshal Georgy Zhukov said: "In the victory over fascism Armenians, starting from an ordinary soldier and ending with a marshal, immortalized their names with not fading  glory  of brave warriors." The Great Patriotic War was a war for the survival of the entire Armenian nation, it is not surprising that it was attended by about 650 thousand Armenians, both from Soviet Armenia and  from other republics,  about 350,000 of which  were killed.

  May 9 for Armenian people  is also   a  day of liberation of Shushi.

  On this day  we pay tribute to the victims of this terrible and merciless war that gave their lives to secure the future of our country and each of which is worthy  our grateful memory.  The ranks of veterans of the Great Patriotic War are shrinking, and today honoring them  and veterans of the Karabakh war, we wish them   peaceful days,  health and well-being.

  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia congratulates everyone on the Great Victory and wishes all  a peaceful sky. Current and future  generations will always keep  in their  memory selfless heroism of those who  defended  the honor and dignity of  our motherland.



Eduard Tumasyan

Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

01 May, 2015

Сonfederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Celebrates May 1

Сonfederation of Trade Unions of Armenia Celebrates May 1

  On  May 1 in Yerevan  a march was held organized by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, which was attended  by representatives of   20   branch republican unions, also arrived from different regions of the country. The procession passed under the slogan " Decent work, decent wages for  workers",   "We demand a decent present for the young, a decent future for our children", "Strong trade unions - a strong civil society."   Such marches can be considered  as an  indicator of consistent...

29 April, 2015

Мay Day Appeal of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia


  Dear workers!

  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia congratulates you on the occasion of Labor Day - May 1   and wishes you  decent work  which will be the pledge  of  well-being of your families and stable development of the Republic of Armenia.

  In the society  work  has always been an important part of every human life and decent work is not only a means of strengthening the family and the state, but the only guarantee for a full human life. Over the past two decades the economic situation of the country and some  circumstances humiliated the importance of the holiday, but the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia has always believed  that  May 1 was and remains a day of solidarity of workers in defense of their legitimate rights and interests, emphasized the importance of work.

  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia attaches great importance to cooperation based on social partnership and expressing its concern about the declining  living conditions of working people applied to the government to establish a living wage and the minimum consumer basket. In order to fight against the registered by statistics  the  rising unemployment and declining living standards, trade unions need to redouble their efforts in all directions in order to protect the rights and interests of workers.

  Once again I congratulate all the members of  trade unions and workers on the occasion of  Labor Day,   wish you  decent, creative and peaceful work for the welfare of your families and prosperity of our country!


Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Eduard Tumasyan

22 April, 2015


  On April 24, 2015  Armenia  commemorates  the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Turkey in 1915. In this regard Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia has received a letter of solidarity from the General  Trade Union of Workers of construction and wood  of Egypt.   The General Trade Union of Workers of construction and wood in Egypt which reflect the pulse of its members in various locations throughout the land of Egypt.   Declares its full solidarity and support and expression of grief and sorrow at the centenary...

26 February, 2015

Meeting in the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

Meeting  in  the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia

     On February 25  in  the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia  a meeting was held of representatives of the  U.S. Department of Labour  and the US Embassy in Armenia with the chairman of the CTUA E.Tumasyan. The meeting was attended by CTUA  Deputy Chairmen    B.Kharatyan and  H.Arakelyan, the staff of the CTUA.    A representative of the U.S. Department of Labour  Karrie  Peterson while presenting the program  noted that in some countries  research  is being conducted  to...

06 November, 2014



On 6  November   the  chairman of the  Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia chairman Eduard Tumasyan  met with the head of the  expert group  EU Program on budget support Yannis  Sofianopoulos, experts Sergei Balasyanyan and Karen Martirosyan. Issues of introduction of some elements of dual education into the vocational education system, engaging employers in this system, as well as opportunities for cooperation were discussed with the leaders of the CTUA which is a member of the National Council of the  secondary vocational education Summarizing...

05 November, 2014



The PERC, in cooperation with the FGTB, organized a workshop “International Financial Institutions: labour standards in performance standards and opportunities for unions: focus on European Investment Bank” on 4 and 5 November in Brussels. The workshop aimed at raising awareness of trade union leaders and specialists about environment and social standards of the European Investment Bank and its respective complaint mechanisms, studying experiences of the application of the complaint mechanisms. Professor Bruno Serghi from the Messina University introduced the role and place of...