Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia on behalf of its union members involved in 700 trade union organizations of 20 branch republican unions expressed their concern about the upcoming rise in electricity prices.
The price increase will inevitably lead to a deepening of a social crisis which is usually followed by decline in living standards of workers, their families and the entire population, as well as increasing the number of low-income families.
Increase in electricity prices from 1 August 2014 and followed it higher prices for various commodities have led to numerous problems facing the population. In Armenia, where a third of the population is poor, a new increase in electricity prices will lead to increased poverty.
Over the past few years as a result of multiple increase of tariffs for gas and electricity price rises for consumer goods and services could be prevented by applying the necessary mechanisms, such as the adoption of the law "On indexation of wages", whereby it would be possible adjust the purchasing power of the minimum wage.
The situation is aggravated by not being approved up today the law of composition and structure of the minimum consumer basket, on the basis of which should be determined the minimum wage, pensions, allowances and other social benefits. The whole complex of problems suggests that today and in the coming years we can hardly cope with the social problems facing the population. Raising the minimum wage and pensions in five thousand AMD can not provide an adequate standard of living and purchasing power of the population.
Chain price increases could lead to deterioration of not only the workers, but also about 500,000 retirees and 114,000 families receiving family poverty benefits. Are they able to resist this new price increase, especially in winter, when they are forced to spend the lion's share of their income on heating and other utilities?
In accordance with Article 34 of the Constitution of the RA everyone has the right to an adequate living standard which prevents the continued rise in prices. In this regard, the CTUA attaches great importance to the need to introduce mechanisms for restraining the growth of social tension in the case of a rise in electricity prices.
Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia